Do you believe any of the following?
- Alcoholics Anonymous is effective.
- Hackers pose a grave threat to the nation.
- Former POW Sen. John McCain wants to reveal the truth about POWs and MIAs.
- The Bible contains a hidden code.
- The Big Bang is an airtight fact.
- Thousands of species have gone extinct because of deforestation.
- George W. Bush has never commuted any prisoner?s death sentence.
- World War II was "the Good War"
- All serial killers are men.
- Licking certain toads will get you high.
- The Columbine massacre was planned and carried out by two students acting alone.
- Most terrorists are Middle Eastern.
- Humans have not yet been cloned.
Wake up! You're
being lied to.
You are being lied to acts as a battering ram against the distortions, myths, and outright lies that have been shoved down our throats by the government, the media, corporations, organized religion, the scientific establishment, and others who want to keep the truth from us.
An unprecedented group of researchers — investigative reporters, political dissidents, academics, media watchdogs, scientist-philosophers, social critics, and rogue scholars — paints a picture of a world where crucial stories are ignored or actively suppressed and the official version of events has more holes in it than Swiss cheese. A world where real dangers are downplayed and nonexistent dangers are trumpeted. In short, a world where you are being lied to.
Includes contributions from Noam Chomsky, Howard Zinn, Howard Bloom, Michael Parenti, Norman Solomon, Douglas Rushkoff, James Ridgeway, Jim Marrs, Judith Rich Harris, Tristan Taormino, Jim Hogshire, Riane Eisler, Peter Russell, and dozens of others. Over 60 articles in all!