"Start with English" helps young learners use English fluently and confidently. It provides a lively and thorough foundation in English and makes learning English meaningful to young learners. The Pupil's Book teaches reading, listening and speaking skills in the context of interesting and meaningful themes. Vocabulary and structure boxes allow easy access to main learning points. Every task has a clear skills focus and learning outcome. Guide notes at the bottom of each page indicate the objective of each activity. Signposts guide teachers and learners to correlated activities in the Workbook.
BBC Knowledge is a magazine for young inquisitive minds where well-researched, handpicked stories are matched with breath-taking visuals to cover science, history and nature.Written by renowned International and Indian experts, its wide range of features provide rivetting and up-to-date information on topics as varied as technology, archeology, natural history and space exploration. With material meant to stimulate the mind, BBC Knowledge looks to empower a generation of young readers.
It is not always easy to be famous. And for a famous, beautiful princess like Diana, life was certainly very difficult at times. She was just twenty years old when she married Prince Charles, and from that moment millions of people around the world watched every move she made. And so did the photographers, who followed her everywhere - even on that terrible night in Paris when Diana's young life ended. stage 1 - 400 headwords
BBC Knowledge is a magazine for young inquisitive minds where well-researched, handpicked stories are matched with breath-taking visuals to cover science, history and nature.Written by renowned International and Indian experts, its wide range of features provide rivetting and up-to-date information on topics as varied as technology, archeology, natural history and space exploration. With material meant to stimulate the mind, BBC Knowledge looks to empower a generation of young readers.