The Reader Over Your Shoulder - A Handbook for Writers of English Prose
It's too bad that this very funny book is no longer widely distributed. I suppose publishers fear Robert Graves' irony, sarcasm, and scorn does not send a peppy message to aspiring writers. No matter. In this "take no prisoners" handbook, passages written by Churchill, John Maynard Keynes, and even religious leaders are dissected and openly mocked. It's a wonderful sight to behold.
The Art of Nonfiction - A Guide for Writers and Readers
In what way is the role of the subconscious different in writing than in editing? Should a writer's work "propagandize" for his particular philosophy of life? How does a writer acquire a distinctive style? How does one find good ideas for writing? Ayn Rand addresses these, and countless other, questions about the craft of writing in this extraordinary book. Culled (by Robert Mayhew) from sixteen informal lectures she delivered to a select audience in the late 1960s, this book offers theoretical insights and concrete advice. If you engage in any act of written communication—from lengthy books to brief letters-to-the-editor--this will be an invaluable guide for you.
An invaluable guide to the world of good grammar which breaks down the barriers that prevent so many articulate, intelligent people from communicating effectively. Picking up a book on grammar takes courage, but the learner can take heart from the fact that many of the great writers, including Charlotte Bronte, were hopeless at grammar at school.
Grammar as Style is a study of grammatical patterns and the way they work in the hands of contemporary professional writers. It is addressed to anyone interested in stylistic theory and practice. I hope it will find readers among teachers and prospective teachers of English; students of composition, creative writing, grammar, literature, stylistics, and literary criticism; and writers outside the classroom who are interested in studying professional techniques.
For many of us, the Ace Double Novels of the ’50s and ’60s have long been a source both of pleasure and nostalgia. This new double volume from Subterranean Press stands squarely in that distinguished tradition, offering a pair of colorful, fast-paced novelettes from one of the most popular writers currently working in any genre: George R. R. Martin.