Посібник для позакласного читання англійською мовою Луїза Мей Олкотт (1832–1888) — відома американська письменниця, автор популярних, проникнутих ідеєю добра і довір’я до дитини книг "Little Women" та "Little Men". У них розповідається про виховання дітей у звичайній американській родині та про часто непрості стосунки між ними та вихователями у приватній школі. Дана книга є адаптованим варіантом роману "Little Women" і рекомендується для школярів середнього і старшого віку, студентів, учителів.
For Men Only: A Straightforward Guide to the Inner Lives of Women
Finally - You Can Understand Her! Women: complicated and impossible to understand? Have you given up trying to "get" the woman in your life? If so, you are in for a pleasant eye-opener: She can be understood. Even better - you can make her happy. Which will make you happy. REUPLOAD NEEDED
What was the relationship between woman and politics in seventeenth-century England? Responding to this question, Conspiracy and Virtue argues that theoretical exclusion of women from the political sphere shaped their relation to it. Rather than producing silence, this exclusion generated rich, complex, and oblique political involvements which this study traces through the writings of both men and women. Pursuing this argument Conspiracy and Virtue engages the main writings on women's relationship to the political sphere including debates on the public sphere and on contract theory
Shakespeare Without Women Representing gender and race on the Renaissance stage
Shakespeare Without Women is a controversial study of female impersonation and the connections between dramatic and political representation in Shakespeare's plays.
TheCambridge Introduction to Harriet Beecher Stowe
Added by: hmimi | Karma: 167.25 | Black Hole | 19 November 2013
TheCambridge Introduction to Harriet Beecher Stowe
Harriet Beecher Stowe’s life mirrored that of many other white, middle-class women of her generation. But her highly productive writing career set her apart in a number of ways.While other nineteenth-century American women authors like CatharineMaria Sedgwick, Fanny Fern (Sara Parton) and Frances Harper also had notable success, Stowe was unusual in the range of genres she helped shape and
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