Intensive audio - vocabulary course for the beginners.
Intensywny kurs dla początkujących wraz z programem SuperMemo do nauki słownictwa. Program SuperMemo to komputerowe wspomaganie nauki słownictwa zawartego w kursie Angielski w 3 miesiące dla początkujących. Jest szczegolnie przydatny osobom uczącym się samodzielnie, ktore mają kłopoty z mobilizowaniem się do systematycznej pracy.
Every linguistic theory has to come to grips with a fundamental property of human language: the existence of exceptions, i.e. phenomena that do not follow the standard patterns one observes otherwise. The contributions to this volume discuss and exemplify a variety of approaches to exceptionality within different formal and non-formal frameworks.
The master of the medical thriller returns with his most heart-pounding tale yet. Twenty-eight-year-old Sean McGillin is the picture of health, until he fractures his leg while in-line skating in New York City's Central Park. Within twenty-four hours of his surgery, he dies. A thirty-six-year-old mother, Darlene Morgan, has knee surgery to repair a torn ligament in her knee. And within twenty-four hours, she has died.
Blended learning: Research reports & examples of best practices
The volume presents a synthesis of case studies and research within the field of blended learning – a combination of good experience and theoretical knowledge. The term blended learning was first used in American literature and it meant to grasp the blend of traditional teaching and technology based teaching using a wide variety of pedagogical methods and different forms for technology (Gynther 2005). The concept and understanding of the term blended learning is not a homogeneous field within learning theory. The major conclusion to be drawn is that blended learning is difficult to conceptualise as one idea.
The Vision Within - A Practical Introduction to Creative Visualization for use in the Primary Classroom
Stress amongst primary-age children is a growing problem, and this in turn impacts on pupils' ability to learn effectively. Meditation has a calming, beneficial effect and at the same time increases children's creative thinking skills. "The Vision Within" provides a practical introduction to creative visualization for primary school teachers. The tried and tested visualization sequences are ready to use, with little or no preparation. Optional follow-up activities link the visualizations to maths, drama, poetry and the arts and are cross-referenced to the Key Aspects of Learning outlined in Excellence and Enjoyment.