This book takes a close look at the ways that five sign languages borrow elements from the surrounding, dominant spoken language community where each is situated. It offers careful analyses of semantic, morphosyntactic, and phonological adaption of forms taken from a source language (in this case a spoken language) to a recipient signed language. In addition, the contributions contained in the volume examine the social attitudes and cultural values that play a role in this linguistic process.
Developmental Psychopathology, Second Edition, Three Volume Set contains in three volumes the most complete and current research on every aspect of developmental psychopathology. This seminal reference work features contributions from international expert researchers and clinicians who bring together an array of interdisciplinary work to ascertain how multiple levels of analysis may influence individual differences, the continuity or discontinuity of patterns and the pathways by which the same developmental outcomes may be achieved. Individual Volumes: Developmental Psychopathology, Volume 1, Theory and Method Developmental Psychopathology, Volume 2, Developmental Neuroscience Developmental Psychopathology, Volume 3, Risk, Disorder, and Adaptation
The purpose of this volume is to explore the question of whether the notion of periphery has any real theoretical bite. An important consensus emerging from the volume is that the edges of certain syntactic expressions appear to be the locus of the connection between phrase structure, prosody, and information structure. This volume contains 16 papers by researchers in this area.
The book: -contains an extensive introduction setting out the research questions addressed and setting the contributions in an overall theoretical context, -has a distinct comparative slant, -brings together work from a range of theoretical perspectives, while maintaining a unity of purpose, -could serve as the basis for a graduate course on peripheral positions, -contains papers addressing: the question of the fine-grainedness of syntactic representations, the relevance of syntactic edges to locality and semantic interpretation, the nature of the dependencies connecting peripheral elements to the syntactic core.
Most of the contributions to this volume are revised versions of papers presented at two symposia, organised by the editors, at the 4th Conference of the European Association for Research on Learning and Instruction in Turku, Finland, in 1991. Four of the contributors were specifically invited to submit a paper for this volume, so that the various approaches to intelligence, mind and reasoning are better presented.
Whether you're a first-time visitor doing the grand tour or a seasoned traveler planning a multi-country itinerary, Frommer's Europe is a must. Inside this concise, user-friendly volume are all the highlights of the continent.