 The proposition that there is a correlation between language and
culture or culture-specific ways of thinking can be traced back to the
views of Herder and von Humboldt in the late 18th and early 19th
centuries. It is generally accepted today that a language, especially
its lexicon, influences its speakers' cultural patterns of thought and
perception in various ways, for example through a culture-specific
segmentation of the extralinguistic reality, the frequency of
occurrence of particular lexical items, or the existence of keywords or
key word combinations revealing core cultural values. The aim of this
volume is to explore the cultural dimension of a wide range of
preconstructed or semi-preconstructed word combinations in English. The
17 papers of the volume are divided into four sections, focusing on
particular lexemes (e.g. enjoy and its collocates), types of word
combinations (e.g. proverbs and similes), use-related varieties (such
as the language of tourism or answering-machine messages), and
user-related varieties (such as Aboriginal English or African English). |
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Tags: language, cultural, English, varieties, combinations |
Varieties of English: An Introduction to the Study of Languages
Added by: alarminik | Karma: 16.29 | Coursebooks | 26 June 2007 |
Varieties of English: An Introduction to the Study of Languages
A topic-based introduction to spoken and written English, providing a wide range of written texts and transcriptions of speech for commentary and analysis. The salient stylistic features are described in linguistic terms where this is relevant to the particular nature of the text or transcript. This second edition adds new material for study, and provides new sections on areas such as "politically correct" usage, language and racism and language and gender.
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Tags: English, language, written, Varieties, Languages |