Just like in real life, using the internet involves interacting and collaborating with other people. Readers of this book will find out why it is important to be respectful of the people they meet online. They will learn methods for interacting appropriately in collaborative online discussions and for constructively criticizing others' work. They will also reflect upon how they would feel if someone treated them poorly online.
Usage and Abusage is designed, not to compete with H.W. Fowler's Modern English Usage (that would be a fatuous attempt - and impossible), but to supplement it and to complement it, and yet to write a book that should be less Olympian and less austere. Even where the two books cover common ground, as inevitably they do occasionally, I have approached the subjects from a different angle and treated them in a different manner. To increase its usefulness and to bring this guide up to date, much new matter has been added in the fifth (1957) edition. On the other hand, much inessential detail has been removed.
10 Most Unusual Collective Nouns Revealed and Explained (2012)
Collective nouns are tricky because they’re applied to groups of things, but they’re treated like singular nouns. At this point, many people are wondering what are collective nouns, and how do they work? Notable examples of collective nouns include words like group or team that cover a number of people who are treated as a singular entity.
Animal groups in particular are associated with a variety of unusual terms included in this collective nouns list. Even items of clothing, such as a pair of pants or a pair of shoes, use collective nouns that require singular verb agreement. Here are 10 outlandish examples of collective nouns.
Added by: Kahena | Karma: 11526.37 | Fiction literature | 16 October 2011
The novel centres on a single father and his children: Anna, his natural daughter; Claire, who was adopted as a baby when Anna was born; and Cooper (Coop), who was taken in "to stay and work on the farm" at the age of four when orphaned. The family lives on a farm in Northern California where Anna and Claire are treated almost as twins, while Cooper is treated more as "a hired hand". After Anna begins a sexual relationship with Coop, an incident of violence tears the family apart. The book then details each of the characters' separate journeys through life post-incident and how they are all interconnected.
Crispin is a dignified cat with an undignified lifestyle. He lives with a family that simply doesn't appreciate him. (He feels.) If he's not blamed for things that he didn't do, then he is treated like a toy. Or worse, ignored as if he were a piece of furniture.