by Roald Dahl The story is about a fox, simply named Mr. Fox. At night, he steals animals from three mean farmers (Bunce, Boggis, and Bean) in order to feed his family. The farmers are fed up with this, and try everything to kill him. They surround the hill he lives in with men armed with guns. After three days of starving, Mr.Fox and his children dig a tunnel to Boggis' chicken house number one, and steal some chickens. They also raid Bunce's storehouse and Bean's underground cellar of apple cider. They invite everyone to a feast made from the loot and decide never to go above ground anymore.
Thora peered at the floor, but couldn't see anything that could have frightened Markus that much, only three mounds of dust. She moved the light of her torch over them. It took her some time to realize what she was seeing-- and then it was all she could do not to let the torch slip from her hand. 'Good God,' she said. She ran the light over the three faces, one after another. Sunken cheeks, empty eye-sockets, gaping mouths; they reminded her of photographs of mummies she'd once seen in National Geographic. 'Who are these people?'
Howard Zinn is a celebrated historian and social activist best known for A People’s History of the United States. His many highly acclaimed books include You Can’t Be Neutral on a Moving Train and Three Strikes . Zinn lives near Boston.
Binka is the most enormous furry and fun loving cat imaginable. He has three homes, which means three breakfasts, three lunches and three suppers, as none of the homes know about each other. Binka has friends too, there's Tango the puppy and Suki, who Binka likes a lot. But most of all Binka likes to eat because he is very, very greedy!
Сборник включает 11 английских народных сказок (сказок о животных и волшебных сказок). Тексты адаптированы и сопровождаются постраничным комментарием и упражнениями. Книга содержит словарь. Contents * The Three Little Pigs * Jack and His Friends * Henny-Penny * The Little Red Hen and the Grain of Wheat * The Old Woman and Her Pig * Goldilocks and the Three Bears * Red Riding-Hood * The Gingerbread Man * Johnny-Саке * The Cock, the Mouse and the Little Red Hen * Mr. Miacca