The 1977 thriller Seawitch continued a downslide from Maclean's best days. Unlike some of his peak works, where plots were subtle, characters were fleshed out, and results were unpredictable, this one has a real paint-by-numbers quality, as if someone had written an Alistair Maclean parody. I've seen reviews by people who thought it was OK; however, I think any true Maclean fan should finish many of his other books before considering giving this one a read.
Surrealism and Architecture examines a long overlooked topic: the relationship of surrealist thought to architectural theory and practice. This is a historically informed examination of architecture's perceived absence in surrealist thought, surrealist tendencies in the theories and projects of modern architecture and the place of surrealist thought in contemporary design methods and theories. This book represents the most current insights into the historical and contemporary relationships of surrealism in the thought and practice of modern architecture.
Architectural Thought, the Design Proces and the Expectant Eye
An insightful look at the principles of design. Providing an overview of architectural thought and extends the discussion beyond architecture into other design fields.
Do you want to stop forgetting appointments, birthdays, and other important dates? Work more efficiently at your job? Study less and get better grades? Remember the names and faces of people you meet? The good news is that it's all possible. Your Memory will help to expand your memory abilities beyond what you thought possible. Dr. Higbee reveals how simple techniques, like the Link, Loci, Peg, and Phonetic systems, can be incorporated into your everyday life and how you can also use these techniques to learn foreign languages faster than you thought possible, remember details you would have otherwise forgotten, and overcome general absentmindedness.
A veteran trader takes a Zen approach to the stock market, applying fundamental principles of Zen Buddhism in place of traditional economic thought and encouraging investors to put egos aside and listen to the marketplace in a tested method for success.