ADHD is the most commonly diagnosed childhood behavioral disorder. Moreover, many students receiving special education assistance are reported to have ADHD. Children with ADHD may experience significant school adjustment difficulties and achievement problems. Problem behaviors associated with attention deficits and hyperactivity often have a negative impact on the classroom, and, therefore, may compromise the learning environment for many, if not all, students. There is a critical need for school professionals to identify, assess, and treat students with ADHD.
56 lessons for elementary level - including PDF transcription - MP3 and Answersheets
These podcasts can be used in your classroom or computer lab to supplement course book listenings. The conversations are more authentic and so the language is more natural. They therefore provide a refreshing alternative to scripted listenings.
Added by: decabristka | Karma: 68075.20 | Kids, Only for teachers | 22 November 2009
Christmas-time is a series of graded readers which is aimed at young learners between the ages of 6 and 10. The series helps students to develop their knowledge of the English language through enjoyable stories about the spirit of Christmas from all over the world. Each story can easily be turned into a play for a class production. These plays offer parts to learners of different abilities and are therefore suitable for all primary classes.
Join Santa as he prepares to make his magical journey around the world, bringing presents to good children everywhere.
Now is the time to prepare for the worst. Flu—including pandemic flu—tends to be seasonal. The infection will probably tail off in the north over the next few months and head south as winter gets a grip on the Earth’s less populated hemisphere. It would make sense, therefore, to put the antiviral factories on overtime immediately, and try to develop, manufacture and distribute a vaccine.
For over two centuries, America has faced occasional outbreaks of terrorism, perpetrated by both indigenous and foreign groups. But the spectacular bombing in Oklahoma City in 1995 and the September 11, 2001, attacks seemed to signify a new age, frightening many Americans and destroying their sense of domestic security. In addition, U.S. citizens and interests have been increasingly affected by acts of terrorism abroad. The challenges of terrorism, therefore, have required the United States to develop comprehensive strategies and programs.