IQ and Aptitude Tests contains 400 brand new practice questions together with answers, explanations, and a guide to assessing performance. The questions are organized into four IQ tests together with verbal, spatial, and numerical aptitude tests. These include tests of word meanings, grammar and comprehension, advanced verbal aptitude, logical analysis, mental arithmetic, numerical sequences, and number problems. Aptitude tests and IQ tests are increasingly encountered in recruitment, selection, and assessment procedures. This book is especially valuable to those who are faced with an aptitude or IQ test, and it will also help anyone improve their verbal, numerical, and reasoning skills.
Practice Tests for the KET is a collection of four complete practice tests written in line with the specifications for the KET examination. The tests in this collection reflect the KET Syllabus, both in content and format, and therefore provide thorough, systematic exam preparation and practice.
The Longman Exams Skills series is for students preparing for the First Certificate and Proficiency exams. The books in each set provide through preparation for each of the papers with lots of practice based on real exam tasks. Mini-dictionaries in the Students’ Books + Model answers, photocopiable tests and marking schemes in the Teacher’s Books
The Longman Exams Skills series is for students preparing for the First Certificate and Proficiency exams. The books in each set provide through preparation for each of the papers with lots of practice based on real exam tasks. Mini-dictionaries in the Students’ Books + Model answers, photocopiable tests and marking schemes, in the Teacher’s Books
Practice Tests for the PET (2000) - Book and Audio
Added by: IrinaM | Karma: 469.74 | Coursebooks, PET | 19 November 2008
Practice Tests for the PET is a collection of four complete practice tests for the Preliminary English Test. The tests provide thorough, systematic exam preparation and practice.