Reba Lafferty was a daughter of privilege, Abandoned by her rebellious mother when she was an infant, she was the only child of a rich man already in his mid-fifties when she was born, and her adoring father thoroughly spoiled her. Now, at thirty-two, having had many scrapes with the law, she is about to be released on probation from the California Institution for Women, having served twenty-two months of a four-year sentence for embezzlement. Though Nord Lafferty could deny his daughter nothing, he wasn't there for her when she was brought up on this charge.
The worst disaster the world has ever seen scatters the Young Trib Force. When the great wrath of the Lamb earthquake strikes the globe, Judd has been captured by Global Community. Vicki is planning to distribute the Underground newspaper. Lionel tries to make it back to his friends while Ryan stays in hiding. Will the earthquake claim their lives? Will they be able to find each other again? Recommended for ages 10 - 14.
K-Gr. 2 The opening image of this title shows a nest of baby squirrels "all pink and helpless," a picture that should enchant young audiences, who are fascinated with animal babies. The book documents a year in a squirrel's life in a first-person narration that imitates a child's voice and cadences: "Mama squirrel feeds you milk and carefully licks you clean. She stays with you day and night."
Images and stories about space exploration surround kids, fueling their curiosity about what lies beyond Earth's atmosphere. In this easy-to-understand book, kids will learn how a rocket works, how a satellite stays in orbit, how a space station is built, what it¹s like to be an astronaut, and much, much more.