PROMT Professional 9.0 Giant & Collection of dictionaries Giant 9.0
PROMT Professional 9.0 – бизнес-решение с максимальными возможностями для управления качеством перевода, позволяет быстро и качественно перевести документ, сайт или сообщение, а также создавать и объединять корпоративные базы переведенных текстов, что удобно при работе с типовыми документами – например, договорами или инструкциями.
Greek: A History of the Language and its Speakers, Second Edition reveals the trajectory of the Greek language from the Mycenaean period of the second millennium BC to the current day.
Treasury of Humorous Quotations: For Speakers, Writers and Home ReferenceWith all of potential benefits of humorous quoations it is surprising to discover that there has never been a comprehensive anthology of humorous quotations This book has been designed to fill that need The material has been drawn from many lands and all ages from every profession and for all occasions