What words come into your head when you think of SUN? For native English speakers, the most common responses are MOON, SHINE and HOT, and about half of all native speaker responses to SUN are covered by these three words. L2 English speakers are much less obliging, and produce patterns of association that are markedly different from those produced by native speakers. Why? What does this tell us about the way L2 speakers' vocabularies grow and develop? This volume provides a user-friendly introduction to a research technique which has the potential to answer some long-standing puzzles about L2 vocabulary.
This is a famous Easy English Course (INGLES-SIN-BARRERAS), and was thought for Spanish speakers.
Easy English Course (INGLES-SIN-BARRERAS) is the most successful English course in America. Since its creation in 1988, thousands of Spanish speaking people have learned exceptional abilities to use both written and spoken English.
This is a famous Easy English Course (INGLES-SIN-BARRERAS), and was thought for Spanish speakers.
Easy English Course (INGLES-SIN-BARRERAS) is the most successful English course in America. Since its creation in 1988, thousands of Spanish speaking people have learned exceptional abilities to use both written and spoken English.
This is a famous Easy English Course (INGLES-SIN-BARRERAS), and was thought for Spanish speakers.
Easy English Course (INGLES-SIN-BARRERAS) is the most successful English course in America. Since its creation in 1988, thousands of Spanish speaking people have learned exceptional abilities to use both written and spoken English.