Content leveled readers teach social studies concepts, vocabulary, and reading skills – at each student’s reading level – and allow students to read and explore the wonders of nonfiction. Social Studies leveled readers deliver world and American history, geography, and civics content to help address the individual needs of all students. Below-level (green), On-level (yellow), and Advanced (blue) selections give all students additional reading experiences and teach social studies content at different levels to spark student curiosity and create eager learners.
Tourist Studies is a multi-disciplinary journal providing a platform for the development of critical perspectives on the nature of tourism as a social phenomenon.
Theoretical and multi-disciplinary
Tourist Studies provides a critical social science approach to the study of the tourist and the structures which influence tourist behaviour and the production and reproduction of tourism.
The journal examines the relationship between tourism and related fields of social inquiry. Tourism and tourist styles consumption are not only emblematic of many features of contemporary social change, such as mobility, restlessness, the search for authenticity and escape, but they are increasingly central to economic restructuring, globalization, the sociology of consumption and the aestheticization of everyday life. Tourist Studies analyzes these features of tourism from a multi-disciplinary perspective and seeks to evaluate, compare and integrate approaches to tourism from sociology, socio-psychology, leisure studies, cultural studies, geography and anthropology.
Tourist Studies is a multi-disciplinary journal providing a platform for the development of critical perspectives on the nature of tourism as a social phenomenon.
Theoretical and multi-disciplinary
Tourist Studies provides a critical social science approach to the study of the tourist and the structures which influence tourist behaviour and the production and reproduction of tourism.
The journal examines the relationship between tourism and related fields of social inquiry. Tourism and tourist styles consumption are not only emblematic of many features of contemporary social change, such as mobility, restlessness, the search for authenticity and escape, but they are increasingly central to economic restructuring, globalization, the sociology of consumption and the aestheticization of everyday life. Tourist Studies analyzes these features of tourism from a multi-disciplinary perspective and seeks to evaluate, compare and integrate approaches to tourism from sociology, socio-psychology, leisure studies, cultural studies, geography and anthropology.
Content leveled readers teach social studies concepts, vocabulary, and reading skills – at each student’s reading level – and allow students to read and explore the wonders of nonfiction. Social Studies leveled readers deliver world and American history, geography, etc content to help address the individual needs of all students. Below-level (green), On-level (yellow), and Advanced (blue) selections give all students additional reading experiences and teach social studies content at different levels to spark student curiosity and create eager learners.
Added by: Maria | Karma: 3098.81 | Audiobooks | 17 April 2009
This is an excellent account of the life and thought of Rousseau. It shows how this master of self- dramatization revolutionized the European world of thought. The first great Romantic the obsessive searcher and promoter of himself was one of the major thinkers leading to the French and then American Revolutions. Orphaned from his mother as a small child he made his way from his native Geneva to the then center of civilization'in Paris. On the way he promoted ideas, ' the pristine state of nature' ' the corruption brought to mankind by civilization'( Man is born free and is everywhere in chains) ' the centrality of subjective feeling in understanding the world' ' the need for social equality in the education of women' 'the social contract' that changed European mankind's way of thinking about itself. Strathern tells the story of Rousseau's not particularly noble life ( he and his former washerwoman, later wife's five children were put out to foundling homes at infants) including the story of his unusual sexual journey with a great deal of humor and wisdom. This is a good introduction to one of those truly rare people, one who actually did help change the course of history.