Everything you need to know to be a grammar guru. The words you use say a lot about you. Grammar makes a lasting impression on friends, coworkers, and teachers, but learning the rules has always been notoriously dull. That’s why we at The Princeton Review created Grammar Smart! Instead of boring readers with countless rules and confusing grammatical terms, this book uses a witty approach to show the logic behind each correct sentence. This updated third edition of Grammar Smart helps you: • Learn the nuts and bolts of grammar rules and usage • Practice your grammar skills with a series of quizzes • Master how to write and speak more effectively
This book addresses main issues concerned with the future learning, learning and academic analytics, virtual world and smart user interface, and mobile learning. This book gathers the newest research results of smart learning environments from the aspects of learning, pedagogies, and technologies in learning. It examines the advances in technology development and changes in the field of education that has been affecting and reshaping the learning environment.
Smart Time 3 mp3 Smart Time to nowy, składający się z czterech części kurs dla gimnazjum, łączący kompleksowe przygotowanie do egzaminu gimnazjalnego na poziomie podstawowym i rozszerzonym z wszechstronnym rozwijaniem umiejętności językowych uczniów. Sprawdza się zarówno w pracy z uczniami rozpoczynającymi naukę języka angielskiego w gimnazjum (poziom III.0), jak i z kontynuującymi naukę rozpoczętą w szkole podstawowej (poziom III.1).
This collection of five short stories read by Jean Smart will charm fans of Paretsky (Blood Shot, Audio Reviews, LJ 12/93) and her fabulous creation, V.I. Warshawski. Smart reads beautifully: Warshawski's contralto voice sounds tough, intelligent, and unflagging. The beat and stress of syllables demonstrate the energetic, quick-thinking detective even when her voice fades in exhaustion or pain.
This brand new infographic illustrates 15 of the most common grammar and writing errors committed by students and reveals how to reduce mistakes the smart way.