Knitting with beads is a special branch of needlework. The stunning array of beads available today allows you to make dozens of exquisite pieces of jewellery and wonderful wearables that just sparkle! Most projects knitted with beads are very portable. The beads need to be pre-strung so there are no loose beads to put on after knitting has begun. So bead knitting is ideal for travel as well as a home craft. Many small projects including bracelets, lariat necklaces, other necklaces, earrings, pins, small bags hats, cuffs, tassels and even a poncho.
Six months have passed since the reappearance of the starship Phoenix - the same ship which brought humans to the world of alien atevi nearly two hundred years ago, leaving a small and vulnerable colony to struggle for survival in a hostile environment.
Grow Your Own Groceries - How to Feed Your Family from Your Own Back Garden
Producing your own food is not only rewarding but - in times of economic and environmental changes - increasingly a must! Nature provides everything the human body requires to thrive, and cultivating some of those natural products in your own back garden will not only produce the best food on the planet for you and your loved ones, it is also economical, environmentally friendly and more fun than shopping. Many crops, such as herbs for example, can be produced in a relatively small space with a little pre-planning and organising, and they are perfect for enhancing the flavour of cooking, treating minor ailments, and preventing colds and flu.
Someone - a woman or somebody pretending to be a woman, is writing to convicted rapists in prison, befriending them and then brutally killing them when they are released. DI Tom Thorne must discover the link between these killings and a murder/suicide that took place twenty-five years before; a tragedy to which the only witnesses were two small children, now adults and nowhere to be found. How can you escape a past that will do a lot more than just catch up with you? And how can Thorne catch a killer, when he doesn't really care about the victims?
On December 7, 1941, five brothers exploring a shaft on a small island off the coast of Washington State make an extraordinary discovery, only to be interrupted by news of Pearl Harbor. In the present, Cabrillo, chasing the remnants of a crashed satellite in the Argentine jungle, stumbles upon a shocking revelation of his own. His search to untangle the mystery leads him, first, to that small island and its secret, and then much farther back, to an ancient Chinese expedition-and a curse that seems to have survived for more than five hundred years. If Cabrillo's team is successful in its quest, the reward could be incalculable. If not . . . the only reward is death.