Inevitably, Sides's main focus is the virtual decimation of the Navajo nation from the 1820s to the late 1860s. Sides depicts the complex role of whites in the subjugation of the Navajos through his portrait of Kit Carson—an illiterate trapper, soldier and scout who knew the Native Americans intimately, married two of them and, without blinking, participated in the Indians' slaughter. Books about Carson have been numerous, but Sides is better than most Carson biographers in setting his exploits against a larger backdrop: the unstoppable idea of manifest destiny.
As the bestselling THE Mallorean series contnues, Garion is pursuing Zandramas, in the form of a great dragon flying over them, across the known world. With the forces of evil threatening on both sides, Garion still had to get to the Place Which Is No More, as the Seeress of Kell had warned, but they had no idea where that might be....
Added by: JustGoodNews | Karma: 4306.26 | Fiction literature | 13 March 2011
The Gulag Rats
A page turning thriller about the wartime exploits of these prisoners freed from the Gulag on condition that they fought in the front line in punishment battalions, always given the most dangerous assignments with no retreat or the slightest wavering allowed. It's quite a horrific book, with killings and woundings on all sides graphically described, most horribly those of the Dirlewangers, an SS group of notorious criminals whose atrocities appalled even the head of the SS in occupied Poland.
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