Matrix Analysis for Scientists and Engineers provides a blend of undergraduate- and graduate-level topics in matrix theory and linear algebra that relieves instructors of the burden of reviewing such material in subsequent courses that depend heavily on the language of matrices. Consequently, the text provides an often-needed bridge between undergraduate-level matrix theory and linear algebra and the level of matrix analysis required for graduate-level study and research.
Tomatoes and Tomato Products: Nutritional, Medicinal and Therapeutic Properties
The book covers emerging fields of science and important discoveries relating to tomatoes and related products. This represents a one-stop shopping of material related to tomatoes. This book will be essential reading for plant scientists, nutritionists, dieticians, pharmacologists, health care professionals and research scientists.
Dynamics: the Geometry of Behavior (Studies in nonlinearity)
This is one of my favorite books. Chock full of enlightening artwork, page after page of colorful drawings, graphs, representations of springs, sound, heat, and other non-linear, real-world phenomena explained and illustrated for intuitive ease. Even if you're not a scientist, or a mathematics fan - this book will open your eyes to concepts that scientists deal with, and that deeply inspire artists and musicians alike.
Barfield discusses poetry's meaning in terms of both his personal experience and objective standards of criticism. One of the reviewers called Barfield 'a product of his time' and suggested that now he's useful only for practical use, not for contemporary scientists and theorists. I have to disagree, and that's why I'm writing this review.
Mountains of Madness is a moving tale of science, exploration, and human endurance. It is the story of how real science is practiced in a unique and demanding setting. Rather than a presentation of research findings, this book recounts what life is like in the field, where scientists come close to sacrificing their very lives for the sake of advancing human knowledge. Like the polar explorers from the early 1900s in whose footsteps they follow, this team of scientists face the unknown and the unpredictable in the pure and simple quest for knowledge.