What can a fingernail tell us about the mysteries of creation? In one sense, a nail is merely a hunk of mute matter, yet in another, it’s an information superhighway quite literally at our fingertips. Every moment, streams of molecular signals direct our cells to move, flatten, swell, shrink, divide, or die. Andreas Wagner’s ambitious new book explores this hidden web of unimaginably complex interactions in every living being. In the process, he unveils a host of paradoxes underpinning our understanding of modern biology, contradictions he considers gatekeepers at the frontiers of knowledge.
Cancer: Step Outside the Box (Audio book)“My hat’s off to this author. What an informative, thorough, accurate life-saving read. It's all there - just bring your highlighter and prepare to be enlightened” says Pam Hoeppner, breast cancer survivor who cured her cancer using Protocel, a treatment outlined in this book. With satisfied readers in over 50 countries world wide, Ty Bollinger’s “Cancer: Step Outside the Box” is a roadmap to successfully treating cancer and regaining your health!
What’s a great way for children to begin learning grammar while having loads of fun? Playing Mad Libs Junior! Featuring the same wacky sense of humor as our original Mad Libs® series, but tailored for the younger reader, we’ve designed these books to help teach some of the basics. Each puzzle includes four categories of words to choose from, indicated by a distinct symbol. To play, kids are told the category from which to pick a word, including categories such as NOUNS, ADJECTIVES, VERBS and MISCELLANEOUS.
“ In this introductory study I am offering a detailed reading of the six completed novels of Jane Austen, together with enough background material for a student to locate the works in their historical moment. I have, however, concentrated on what strikes me as contributing most to Jane Austen’s universal popularity: her ability to create the illusion of psychologically believable and self-reflecting characters. ”
Word search puzzles (My friends Tigger and Pooh ). Level 1
Now, the youngest, beginning readers can play a little hide-and-seek on the page with word searches designed just for them. Everything’s simple and basic, so children will have lots of fun while they’re learning.