New English File Pre-intermediate Business Resource Book
English File Business Resource Books Designed to help you if you teach working or pre-work students in group or individual classes. ■ They provide photocopiable activities to help your students develop their language skills in working-world contexts.■ They can be used to supplement English File or any General or Business English course.
A set of additional exercises and tests for each module of Access 3 coursebook. Level B1 - lower intermediate. Aimed for the learners of junior high schools (aged 13-15).
A set of additional exercises and tests for each module of Access 2 coursebook. Level A2 - elementary. Aimed for the learners of junior high schools (aged 13-15).
The Intelligent Business Video includes five episodes of a drama based around a new hi-tech company. Integrated with the core syllabus, students can observe the business skills introduced in the Course Book and Skills Book. The activities and tasks in the accompanying Video Resource Book exploits the video material.
Facts on File Science Library - Space and Astronomy HandbookIn order to comprehend the universe and how it works, one must first have a firm understanding of astronomy and space exploration. "The Facts on File Space and Astronomy Handbook, Revised Edition" is a thoroughly revised and updated edition of a popular and comprehensive reference.