The Encyclopedia of Finance, Second Edition, comprised of over 1000 individual definitions and chapters, is the most comprehensive and up-to-date resource in the field, integrating the most current terminology, research, theory, and practical applications. Showcasing contributions from an international array of experts, the revised edition of this major reference work is unparalleled in the breadth and depth of its coverage.
From "asset pricing models" to "risk management," the Encyclopedia of Finance, Second Edition, serves as an essential resource for academics, educators, and students.
The CLIL Resource Pack: Interactive Whiteboard Activities
The CLIL Resource Pack offers teachers a bank of over 120 motivating activities for the CLIL classroom. The Pack consists of a Photocopiable Resource Book and accompanying IWB (Interactive Whiteboard) software as well as over 60 songs, chants, poems and dialogues to enliven the classroom. The materials have been written for use with Primary and Lower Secondary aged pupils.
Dream Team 2: Teacher's Book & Teacher's Resource Pack
Dream Teamhas been extensively researched in order to ensure that it addresses the needs of secondary teachers and students. Dream Team recognizes that students will be familiar with some basic vocabulary and functions, but will need a clear and systematic introduction to English grammar.