Ottenheimer's authoritative yet approachable introduction to the field's methodology, skills, techniques, tools, and applications emphasizes the kinds of questions that anthropologists ask about language and the kinds of questions that intrigue students. The text brings together the key areas of linguistic anthropology, addressing issues of power, race, gender, and class throughout.
Organized for easy reference and crucial practice, coverage of all the essential topics presented as 500 AP-style questions with detailed answer explanations.
A Sense of Regard, says Laura McCullough, “is an effort to collect the voices of living poets and scholars in thoughtful and considered exfoliation of the current confluence of poetry and race, the difficulties, the nuances, the unexamined, the feared, the questions, and the quarrels across aesthetic camps and biases.”
A PDF of an English Lesson for students at the lower secondary level. Answers are provided for the questions. There are questions on grammar, vocabulary, comprehension and creative writing.
Assorted English Activties is the best collection I've ever had. It enriches teachers, students and language learners with a lot of wonderful materials of English. I myself use it to prepare joyful lessons for my students that enhance speaking and writing skills. The collection consists of piles of files that are about:- A bit of everything - Children songs - Conversation and Writing Questions - English Idioms - English Proverbs - Fairy Tales - Folk Tales- Games and Activties for teachers - General Knowledge Questions - Grammar Summary - Guess the End of the Jokes - Inspirational Stories - Jokes and Funny Dialogues - Lessons with Laughter - Phrasal Verbs and A LOT...