Prime-time comprehension is a series of three books for ages 5-7, 8-10 and 11+. There are 20 original texts: five fiction; five comic strips; five nonfiction; and five poems. The texts within each genre are sequenced in order of difficulty. Each four-page unit includes: the appropriately illustrated text, a page with five literal and five inferential-type questions, one with five evaluative-type questions and one with an activity to expand on the text topic.
Great for course review and the USMLE Step 1, PreTest asks the right questions so you’ll know the right answers. You’ll find 500 clinical-vignette style questions and answers along with complete explanations of correct and incorrect answers. The content has been reviewed by students who recently passed their exams, so you know you are studying the most relevant and up-to-date material possible. No other study guide targets what you really need to know in order to pass like PreTest!
A new edition that matches the content of the 2011 syllabus. This new edition, available in both print and e-book formats, offers comprehensive syllabus coverage and a clear division of content into AS and A Level material. Fully endorsed by CIE and presented in full colour, it offers a truly international perspective on the study of economics. Written in a clear and accessible style by experienced senior examiners, this course uses up-to-date examples and data from a wide-range of economies. The print book includes a CD-ROM providing answers to the questions in the coursebook as well as extra exam practice questions. These additional materials are also included in the e-book version.
Endorsed by International Examinations for the latest syllabus, this new edition of the the market-leading text provides a true international perspective. It includes a Student's CD-ROM with every book, offering additional questions and support throughout the course and ahead of exams. - Offers an international perspective through a wide range of up-to-date case studies - Reinforces understanding through a variety of activities and discussion points - Provides examination preparation with revisions questions and summaries throughout Written in accessible language, but with plenty of detail for top-grade students
This handbook is a guide for students who will take the TOEFL Junior Comprehensive Test. Its purpose is to help you become familiar with the test questions before the day of the test. In the following pages, you will find an introduction to the test, a short description of each question type, and sample questions.