The third and second centuries BC witnessed, in the Greek world, a scientific and technological explosion. How do they relate to the post 1500AD science that we are familiar with from school? What led to the end of ancient science? These are the questions that this book discusses, in the belief that the answers bear on choices we face today.
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The goals of this volume are twofold. First, it aims to provide a novel focus on adaptive explanations for cranial and postcranial features and functional complexes, socioecological systems, life history patterns, etc. in early primates. Second, it aims to offer a detailed rendering of the phylogenetic affinities of such basal taxa to later primate clades as well as to other early/recent mammalian orders. Thus, in addition to the strictly paleontological or systemic questions regarding Primate Origins, the editors plan to concentrate on the adaptive significance of primate characteristics. These questions are best approached through both paleontological and neontological comparative research on a variety of primate and non-primate materials.
The famously enigmatic writer-composer Paul Bowles is the subject of Millicent Dillon's unforgettable new book. Her portrait of the chameleonlike artist is much more than an account of Bowles's life, however. It is also a meditation on biography that questions the biographer's role, the subject's credibility, and the very nature of "truth" in the telling of a life.
Added by: Maria | Karma: 3098.81 | Exam Materials | 22 February 2009
Concentrating on the Critical Reading section of the newly structured SAT college entrance exam, this test-preparation workbook presents tips, questions, answers, and answer explanations for the section’s two main question types—sentence completion questions and reading comprehension questions—as well as extensive vocabulary review. Both the sentence completion and the reading comprehension exercises are organized according to level of difficulty and presented in three sections, labeled from A to C. Students who master Level C in both parts are well on the road to achieving a high Critical Reading score when they take the actual SAT. This new workbook replaces Barron's Verbal Workbook for the New SAT, 11th Edition.