This fascinating program introduces young viewers to the diverse lifestyles of people who inhabit the tropical rainforests of Brazil, Costa Rica, Indonesia and Papua, New Guinea. Children will learn about the customs, skills and medicines of native people, how they survive in the rainforest, their spiritual beliefs and their unique arts and music. This program features information on the Orang Ulu tribe of Malaysia, along with the Kukukuku, the Maisin, the Korafe and the Terabona people of Papua, New Guinea. Also, the Waiapi...
THE BODY YOU DESERVE program will give you the inspiration and skills necessary to turn your resolution into reality. This program is your opportunity to win the "battle of the bulge" once and for all by making healthy choices on a daily basis.
The universe is incredible-but the Earth is unique! In this fun and informative program, students will learn that, despite the vastness of outer space, Earth is the only place where we know life exists. Earth explains why our planet is so special. Students will learn about the factors that allow life to flourish on Earth, including our position in the solar system, the water cycle and the composition of the planet. This program includes a visit to the real Biosphere2 in Arizona, hands-on activity Junio (4-6), Intermediate Grades (7-8)(JI)
Перед вами лучший курс от Random House. С его помощью вы сможете усовершенствовать свое произношение быстро, легко и эффективно. Не имеет значения ваш уровень английского - в любом случае этот курс поможет вам при общении с носителями языка чувствовать себя уверенно и непринужденно.
Improve your Pronunciation quickly, easily, and effectively with the simplest and most practical program available. No matter what your level of English is—this program will help you sound more natural and communicate with greater ease and confidence.
This text provides a systematic introduction to the issues involved in developing, managing, and evaluating effective second and foreign language programs and teaching materials. Key stages in the curriculum development process are examined, including situation analysis, needs analysis, goal-setting, syllabus design, materials development and adaptation, teaching and teacher-support, and evaluation.