Permutation Tests for Complex Data: Theory, Applications and Software
Complex multivariate testing problems are frequently encountered in many scientific disciplines, such as engineering, medicine and the social sciences. As a result, modern statistics needs permutation testing for complex data with low sample size and many variables, especially in observational studies.
Featuring more than 1,100 full-color and black-and-white illustrations, this volume demonstrates and explains the problems encountered after reconstructive and aesthetic breast surgery and breast cancer reconstruction and the most successful methods for correcting these problems. Each chapter begins with a pictorial analysis of the problem, a discussion of what caused it, and, where possible, suggestions on how it might have been avoided initially.
This comprehensive reference provides an exhaustive guide to current scholarship on the perennial problem of Free Will--perhaps the most hotly and voluminously debated of all philosophical problems. While reference is made throughout to the contributions of major thinkers of the past, the emphasis is on recent research.
Nowadays, Taylor Christensen is gorgeous, rich, and one of the biggest stars around, but the day Erin Kim met her, Taylor was on the middle school D-list, with the headgear to prove it. Erin, under her own stress from her traditional Koreanborn parents who don't want her to change, was there for Taylor when she needed a friend way back when, and she was there for her when the braces came off and the whole world noticed. Sure, Taylor had the "it" Hollywood was looking for, but someone had to help her deal with the ups and downs of superstardom...
Princeton Problems in Physics with SolutionsAimed at helping the physics student to develop a solid grasp of basic graduate-level material, this book presents worked solutions to a wide range of informative problems. These problems have been culled from the preliminary and general examinations created by the physics department at Princeton University for its graduate program. The authors, all students who have successfully completed the examinations, selected these problems on the basis of usefulness, interest, and originality, and have provided highly detailed solutions to each one.