Quantum Theory is the most revolutionary discovery in physics since Newton. This book gives a lucid, exciting, and accessible account of the surprising and counterintuitive ideas that shape our understanding of the sub-atomic world. It does not disguise the problems of interpretation that still remain unsettled 75 years after the initial discoveries. The main text makes no use of equations, but there is a Mathematical Appendix for those desiring stronger fare. Uncertainty, probabilistic physics, complementarity, the problematic character of measurement, and decoherence are among the many topics discussed.
New Scientist is superbly written, features great design and photography throughout and is accessible to anyone interested in science, regardless of their level of knowledge or qualifications. Each issue of this great weekly mag brings you all the news from the world of science, covering every discipline such as physics, biology, chemistry and some wonderfully advanced ideas such as quantum mechanics and string theory.
New Scientist is superbly written, features great design and photography throughout and is accessible to anyone interested in science, regardless of their level of knowledge or qualifications. Each issue of this great weekly mag brings you all the news from the world of science, covering every discipline such as physics, biology, chemistry and some wonderfully advanced ideas such as quantum mechanics and string theory.
The Age of Entanglement: When Quantum Physics was Reborn (Unabridged) (Audiobook)
A brilliantly original and richly illuminating exploration of entanglement, the seemingly telepathic communication between two separated particles - one of the fundamental concepts of quantum physics. In 1935, in what would become the most cited of all of his papers, Albert Einstein showed that quantum mechanics predicted such a correlation, which he dubbed "spooky action at a distance."
Armadillo Run Game Armadillo Run is a physics-based puzzle game. You have to build structures with the purpose of getting an armadillo to a certain point in space. There is a selection of building materials, each with different properties, which can be combined to form almost anything. The realistic physics simulation gives you the freedom to solve each level in many different ways.