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44 Overused Words & Phrases To Be Aware Of (Infographic)

44 Overused Words & Phrases To Be Aware Of (Infographic)44 Overused Words & Phrases To Be Aware Of (Infographic)

ake our list of overused words and phrases as a reminder to use them less often, or stop using them altogether; Because sometimes, the words we say don’t mean much. This infographic highlights 44 such terms, so nondescript and ubiquitous that many barely even notice their meaningless existence.
Tags: words, their, meaningless, notice, barely, Overused, Aware, Infographic, Words
6 Overused Words & What to Use Instead (Infographic)

6 Overused Words & What to Use Instead (Infographic)6 Overused Words & What to Use Instead (Infographic)

Here, a look at six overused words still used in the belief that they are snappy, trendy or cool. Can you think of more original or relevant expressions? Let's take a look at what you can use instead.
Tags: instead, expressions, Overused, Words, Infographic, Instead, original
It's Been Said Before: A Guide to the Use and Abuse of Cliches by Orin Hargraves

It's Been Said Before: A Guide to the Use and Abuse of Cliches by Orin HargravesIt's Been Said Before: A Guide to the Use and Abuse of Cliches by Orin Hargraves

Careful writers and speakers agree that clichés are generally to be avoided. However, nearly all of us continue to use them. Why do they persist in our language?

Concise and lively, It's Been Said Before serves as a guide to the most overused phrases in the English language -- and to phrases that are used exactly as often as they should be.

Tags: phrases, language, Before, overused, guide, Hargraves, Cliches
A Cure For The Common Word: Remedy Your Tired Vocabulary with 3,000 + Vibrant Alternatives to the Most Overused Words

A Cure For The Common Word: Remedy Your Tired Vocabulary with 3,000 + Vibrant Alternatives to the Most Overused WordsA Cure For The Common Word: Remedy Your Tired Vocabulary with 3,000 + Vibrant Alternatives to the Most Overused Words

Make your ailing vocabulary go from merely good to exceptionally splendid and stupendous!

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Tags: Vocabulary, Tired, Vibrant, Alternatives, Words, Common, Overused