English - Back To Basics: Classroom and Homework Activities, Yr5/P6 (Book E)
English - Back to Basics is a comprehensive seven book homework series. This title features an activity for every week of the academic year. Each activity focuses on one area of essential skills, including spelling, word study, punctuation, grammar and phonics (Books A - C only). It offers simple and easy to understand instructions to aid independent working.
Look! to nowy kurs dla klas 4-6 umożliwiający uczniom naukę w przyjaznej i motywującej atmosferze. Zróżnicowany materiał, elementy zabawy i jasne objaśnienia sprawiają, że uczniowie otrzymują wsparcie na każdym kroku.
Taking students from starter to intermediate level, Look! offers enjoyable easy-to-follow lessons designed to engage learners right from the start.
Look! to nowy kurs dla klas 4-6 umożliwiający uczniom naukę w przyjaznej i motywującej atmosferze. Zróżnicowany materiał, elementy zabawy i jasne objaśnienia sprawiają, że uczniowie otrzymują wsparcie na każdym kroku.
Taking students from starter to intermediate level, Look! offers enjoyable easy-to-follow lessons designed to engage learners right from the start.
This best-selling brief introduction to public speaking offers practical coverage of every topic typically covered in a full-sized text, from invention, research, and organization, to practice and delivery. Its concise, inexpensive format makes it perfect for the public speaking course, and any setting across the curriculum, on the job, or in the community. The fourth edition offers even stronger coverage of the fundamentals of speechmaking, while also addressing the changing realities of public speaking in a digital world, with a new chapter on online presentations, and new tools and advice for finding and evaluating online sources.
"In The Power of Now, author-sage Eckhart Tolle uses words to guide readers beyond words. Pointing to the portals of the eternal present, this practical mystic's modern gospel offers transcendent truths that set us free" - Dan Millman"