Good Night Ocean Suitable for children of ages 3 years and over, this educational book celebrates the wonders of the undersea world. Travelling by sailboat, fishing boat, battleship, and submarine, it helps children learn about all of the world's major oceans as well as beaches, islands, reefs, harbours, bays, and icebergs.
Here is a Leo Lionni book for the very youngest! “What shall we do today?” two mice ask each other. “Read a book? Pick flowers? Go swimming? Play ball? Climb a tree or gather leaves? Play hide-and-seek or dress-up? Talk on the telephone–until it’s time to say good night?” Lionni’s award-winning graphic art is at its best in this very simple board book that begs to be shared with a baby or toddler.
In Pretty Little Lilly and the Magical Night, Ashley Hornsby beautifully describes Lilly overcoming her fear of the dark. Lilly learns with the help of her new friend Glo e bear, the dark really isn't scary at all. Lilly journeys to the land of Love in a magical experience for all to enjoy. Night is for Magic, Starlight and Twinkling Light.
Книга входит в серию иллюстрированных учебных пособий "Читаем вместе", адресованных учащимся 3-4 классов начальной школы. Это сказка о мудрой Сове-художнице и о надменном Вороне, который получает по заслугам. Прочитав книгу, ребенок выучит английские обозначения цветов и времен года, познакомится с формами глаголов Past Simple.
Everything in Burglar Bill's life is stolen, from the toast, marmalade and coffee he has for breakfast to the bed he sleeps in. One night when he is out burgling, he comes across a box with holes in the lid on a doorstep. He picks it up of course and when he gets home he discovers, to his horror, that he has stolen a baby. He and the baby muddle along together until one night he is disturbed by a burglar - Burglar Betty. She is the mother of Burglar Bill's baby. Bill and Betty decide to reform and live honest lives; they return all the stolen goods, get married and live happily ever after!