Whether you're looking to remodel your entire home or you are interested in the latest trends in home fashion, interior design, kitchen appliances or even eco-friendly ideas we are here for all of your needs. Our experience offers our readers excellent resources to accomplish all of their dreams for the home and much more.
Woman's Day - June 2010Woman's Day, one of the oldest and most beloved of all the traditional women's magazines, is ever-evolving to fit the needs of modern readers.
Much has been written about communicating within organizations but relatively little on the critical skill of communicating upward. Green and Knippen, experts in employee motivation and performance, show how essential it is to the success of an organization, public or private, for employees to get their ideas up the ladder and into the hands of the decision-makers. Their book outlines more than 40 specific upward communication needs and offers a structure that will ensure that the movement of ideas upward actually takes place.
English Today - Multimedia Course Business 4 (DVD 26)
English Today is an innovative product for English language learning, designed to gain maximum advantage from the DVD format and aimed at the needs of the target consumer.
English Today - Multimedia Course Intermediate 3 (DVD 11)
English Today is an innovative product for English language learning, designed to gain maximum advantage from the DVD format and aimed at the needs of the target consumer.