Matura Success Intermediate - (Student's Book / Tests with key)
Added by: ëçøêô | Karma: 25.27 | Coursebooks, Matura Exam | 13 October 2010 |
Nowy, dynamiczny kurs dla szkó ponadgimnazjalnych, który zapewnia udane lekcje, atmosfer sprzyjajc nauce oraz sukces na egzaminie maturalnym.
A new and dynamic course for upper secondary-school, which assure successful lessons, favourable atmosphere for study and success on marticulation (secondary-school final exam success) BOOK IS IN ENGLISH ONLY!
Tests reuploaded Thanks to ligia75
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Tags: Success, Matura, Students, Intermediate, McKinlay, success, secondaryschool, study, szkó322, marticulation, favourable, school, secondary, lessons, Tests, success |