• COVER:The Science of Romance: Why We Love - Breeding is easy, but survival requires romance too. How our brains, bodies and senses help us find it
• Why We Flirt - That smile! That glance! That rapt attention! We flirt even when we don't need to. And that can be good
• SCIENCE: A New Blueprint for Levittown - It was America's original suburb. Now it is aiming to become a model of environmental innovation
• PEOPLE: 10 Questions for Woody Allen - He's brilliant at portraying neurotics of all kinds. But the multitalented director, whose new movie is Cassandra's Dream, swears he's actually quite normal. Woody Allen will now take your questions
TIME Magazine
COVER: Game On! - Left for dead by the experts, Hillary Clinton and John McCain ride a record turnout to victory in New Hampshire. Here's what's next in a campaign whose only certainty is uncertainty
WORLD: The Demons That Still Haunt Africa - Violence in Kenya, one of its most stable nations, shows that the continent's old ills--poverty, corruption, tribalism--are far from cured
SOCIETY: Vinyl Gets Its Groove Back - Flashy new discs and that old cozy sound have got the iPod generation giving LPs a spin
SCIENCE: Lumps In the Cosmos - Something happened eons ago to turn the sea of particles that was the universe into the starry place it is now. New evidence offers clues
• COVER:Why Pakistan Matters - Benazir Bhutto's assassination has plunged the Muslim nuclear power into chaos. Now the Bush Administration must help undo decades of flawed U.S. policy to save Pakistan
• Martyr Without a Cause - Bhutto was a brave, gutsy, secular and liberal woman. But she was a central part of Pakistan's problems, not a solution to them
• NATION: Death Penalty Walking - The Supreme Court prepares to hear a case on lethal injections that could cause us to rethink our haphazard system of capital punishment
• SOCIETY: Bringing Babies to Work - More businesses are allowing parents to take their infants to the office. Is having a cooing baby in the cubicle next door too much of a workplace distraction?
• COVER:Can Anyone Win This Thing? - The race for the Republican presidential nomination is turning into a rare and unpredictable free-for-all. That's what happens when a party lacks a front runner, is low on intellectual steam--and its best candidates all have notable defects
• WORLD: The Fleeting Success of the Surge - Thousands of Iraqi refugees who fled last year's violence are returning, but many more are staying away. Here are four reasons why it's too early to proclaim the end of the civil war
• PEOPLE: 10 Questions for Ringo Starr - Like each of his ex-Fab Four bandmates, the former drummer for the Beatles has become an accomplished solo artist. His new album, Liverpool 8, comes out on Jan. 15. Ringo Starr will now take your questions
• SPECIAL SECTION: The Best Top 10 Lists of the Year
PHOTO was the name of an American photographic magazine geared towards men. It was published monthly by the Official Magazine Corporation beginning in January of 1951. The magazine mainly featured photographs of scantily-clad women, although there were also exposes, featured articles, and examples of photojournalism.