Christmas is coming and there’s still so much to do! Lizzy, the little witch, doesn’t know where to begin. The Christmas tree needs to be trimmed, pies need to be baked, and to top it all off, Lizzy finds herself in charge of taking care of Trixi, the lively little witch girl. There’s no time to spare. After all, everything has to be ready by the time the Christmas witch arrives!
When a little click beetle falls onto his back, he seeks the help of a wise old click beetle. "Look at me", says the more experienced click beetle, giving a loud CLICK and flipping onto its feet. But try as he might, the clumsy little click beetle just can?t get the hang of it--or can he?
Get swept away on a high-seas voyage of discovery with 10 little rubber ducks as they float to every part of the world. They all find adventure, but one duck finds something very special!
In this gentle Christmas story, we see Christmas through the eyes of two adorable mice. As they admire the Christmas tree and Santa's generous gifts, they even find a little something for themselves!
While frequent flyer Arthur Dent searches the universe for his lost love, Ford Prefect discovers a disturbing blast from the past at The Hitchhiker's Guide HQ. Meanwhile, on one of many versions of Earth, a blonder, more American Trillian gets tangled up with a party of lost aliens having an identity crisis. And just when Arthur thinks he has found his true vocation on the backwater planet of Lamuella, the original Trillian turns up with more than a little spanner in the works. A stolen ship, a dramatic stampede and a new and sinister Guide lead to a race to save the Earth again.