One glance. That's all it takes. Wealthy rancher Ryan Kendrick falls hard—and fast—for lovely Bethany Coulter. A beguiling mix of sass and shyness, naiveté and maturity, she shares his passion for horses, has a great sense of humor, and can light up a room with her beautiful smile. She's absolutely perfect—in every way but one....
The Second Funeral of Napoleon by William Makepeace Thackeray
An interesting book about the re-burial of French emperor Napoleon Bonaparte in Paris. Thackeray penned it using Michael Angelo Titmarch as his nom-de-plum. Composed of three letters, this book is not only significant for its historical content but also throws light on the political scenario of the time. Riveting!
The Empire of Cnut the Great - Conquest and the Consolidation of Power in Northern Europe in the Early Eleventh Century
The reign of King Cnut the Great (10161035) marks a pivotal point in the history of both England and Scandinavia, yet his conquests and his consolidation of power remain under-appreciated and rarely studied. Almost all existing scholarship has been geographically centred on either England or Scandinavia. However, this study, through a series of studies of individual aspects of his rise to power in those regions, seeks to encompass his entire dominion, and cast new light on our understanding of the nature of this political unit and contemporary figures' conceptions of it.
Schnur's (Spring: An Alphabet Acrostic) soothingly lyrical verses describe a girl's bedtime counting ritual. Beginning with the conch-shaped nightlight she sees in her room ("one seashell on the nursery wall,/ two amber blinking clocks"), the child observes the sources of light as she progresses through the house, then her neighborhood ("thirteen streetlamps light the park"), the city ("fourteen stoplights blink,/ fifteen towers scrape the sky") and the world beyond.
Born with second sight, Loni MacEwen must warn the handsome rancher Clint Harrigan that his son is in danger-except he doesn't even have a son. Then the drama Loni predicted unfolds on the news: an orphaned boy is lost in the wilderness. As Loni and Clint help in the search for the boy, they begin to form a bond of their own...