The course follows the requirements of the Common European Framework of Reference and focuses on the systematic development of key competences. The course is organized into twelve topic-based modules, which allows learners to deal with a variety of topics in depth. In this way, learners are enabled to communicate successfully in English in a wide range of social situations and environments.
Listening for IELTS has been specially created for learners of English who plan to take the IELTS exam to demonstrate that they have the required ability to communicate effectively in English, either at work or at university. It is ideal for learners with band score 5 – 5.5 who are aiming for band score 6 or higher on the IELTS test (CEF level B1 and above). This major new edition has been thoroughly updated and improved to make it even easier to use. Now in full colour, the book has a new layout and a series of brand new features to help students feel fully prepared for their IELTS exam
This 320-page course on commercial correspondence is designed for German-speaking learners of English having reached level B1 minimum.
It enables learners to cover all aspects of commercial correspondence from enquiries via offers and orders to complaints and reminders plus also travel, hotel, conference and fair arrangements. As special aspects, credit enquiries and sales rep's arrangements are covered also. All correspondence skills are developed reaching level B2 to C1 of the European Common Frameworks (Upper intermediate to Advanced)
Ćwiczenia i testy gramatyczno-leksykalne (Grammar & Vocabulary Exercises and Tests)
The book comprises numerous grammar and vocabulary exercises divided into 8 sections, designed as revision material for learners at B2-C1 learners, preparing for FCE, CAE, as well as Matura exam (extended version).
The eight chapters include:
1. Tenses and verb forms; 2. Grammar; 3. Paraphrasing; 4. Gap filling; 5. Translations; 6. Word formation; 7. Vocabulary; 8. Collocations.
Apart from one chapter (translations), the book can be used by any English speaker.
Using Unscripted Spoken Texts in the Teaching of Second Language Listening
Most spoken texts that are used in second language (L2) listening classroom activities are scripted texts, where the text is written, revised, polished, and then read aloud with artificially clear enunciation and slow rate of speech... The article concludes with a number of suggestions for incorporating unscripted spoken texts into the teaching of L2 listening comprehension, with the goals of making learners aware of the textual and phonological characteristics of unscripted texts, preparing L2 learners to be able to comprehend real-world spoken language, and promoting learners' communicative competence.