BBC- Talking Business
This course gives you useful language and phrases to improve your
spoken communication skills in English in different business
situations. Each section features audio, target language and a quiz -
all of which are downloadable. You'll also have the opportunity to
practise and test your understanding of the language.
The Handbook of Applied Linguistics The Handbook of Applied Linguistics is a collection of over 30 original articles that provide a comprehensive and up-to-date picture of the field of applied linguistics. The Handbook is divided in parts that demonstrate the two main approaches to the field: applications of linguistics to real world language data with the purpose of further understanding language and evaluating linguistic theory; and the problem based approach that investigates real world language with the purpose of understanding language use and ameliorating social problems.
The Handbook of Language and Gender
The Handbook of Language and Genderis a collection of articles written by a team of leading specialists in the field that examines the implications of gender ideologies for the ways we interact. The volume includes data and case-studies from interactions in a number of different social contexts and from a range of different communities, and theoretical discussions about the problems, pitfalls, and potential benefits of research on and discourses about gender.
This book argues that language is a network of concepts which in turn is part of the general cognitive network of the mind. It challenges the widely-held view that language is an innate mental module with its own special internal organization. It shows that language has the same internal organization as other areas of knowledge such as social relations and action schemas, and reveals the rich links between linguistic elements and contextual categories. Professor Hudson presents a new theory of how we learn and use our knowledge of language. He puts this to work in a series of extended explorations of morphology, syntax, semantics, and sociolinguistics. Every step of his argument and exposition is illustrated with examples, including the kind mainstream theory finds it hard to analyse. He introduces the latest version of his influential theory of Word Grammar and shows how it can be used to explain the operations of language and as a key to understanding the associated operations of the mind.
The Callan Method is based on actual classroom practice, on the psychological teacher-student relationship, and on their relationship to the language. When the Method was shown to some educational psychologists, one of them said "How else?". In other words, as language learning is a question of developing quick reflexes, how else can this be done than by a system of stimulus and response? The same psychologist went on to take an exaggerated example, by adding that one could teach a monkey to play the piano, given such techniques.