* Challenge your students with Case Studies' that range from planning a project to choosing the best supplier * Practise the skills needed to carry out real business tasks such as taking part in meetings * Listening texts are based on interviews with real business people * New Self-Study CD-ROMs include a wide range of activities including interactive case studies and video
The American Writers book series, a collection of critical and biographical articles, now covers 219 notable authors from the 17th century to the present day. Signed essays of 12-15 pages in length, by noted scholars, provide thought-provoking insights into the lives, careers, and works. The essays are written in an appealing style, include numerous quotations, and conclude with bibliographies for further study. VOLUME III: Archibald MacLeish to George Santayana
American Writers, Volume 2The American Writers book series, a collection of critical and biographical articles, now covers 219 notable authors from the 17th century to the present day. Signed essays of 12-15 pages in length, by noted scholars, provide thought-provoking insights into the lives, careers, and works. The essays are written in an appealing style, include numerous quotations, and conclude with bibliographies for further study.
VOLUME II: Ralph Waldo Emerson to Carson McCullers
How do culture and language correspond? How does language work, and how do languages vary? An expert linguist and anthropologist addresses these and related issues in a highly readable examination of language within the contexts of thought, historical process, race, culture, and art. Topics include a discussion of "drift," or the processes of language change.
Herbs in the Treatment of Children: Leading a Child to Health
Reference presents the use of therapeutic herbs in the treatment of childhood illnesses. Focuses on methods leading a child back to health, rather than suppressing symptoms. Issues covered include energy, diet, fever, infections, and asthma.