Added by: Mr Anas | Karma: 35.42 | Multimedia » Audio | 15 November 2009
Jill Geisler |Poynter podcast
What Great Bosses Know Leadership lessons from The Poynter Institute
What Great Bosses Know about Leading What Great Bosses Know about Calm in the Storm What Great Bosses Know about Coaching What Great Bosses Know about Delegation What Great Bosses Know about E-Mail Missteps What Great Bosses Know about .....
Disney Educational - Bill Nye The Science Guy - Amphibians
Bill Nye is determined to get kids interested in science, and will go to great lengths to do so. His series engages students with jokes, music videos, and all manner of special effects, but the science instruction is solid. In Bill Nye the Science Guy: Amphibians, he talks about those cold-blooded creatures that can live on land or in water. They may have a reputation for being somewhat slimy, but amphibians go through the process ...
Welcome to Issue 50 – the big 5-0! I hope you love the front cover artwork as much as we do – that would be the talents of Andrew Hickinbottom shining through in his latest character illustration, Hoteru no aoi. We’re really pleased to be able to feature this image in our October gallery, so hop on over to p.16 to see more great artwork from this month’s featured artists, before getting yourselves stuck into our latest offerings…
This book contains the strategies from Tony's thick book 'Awaken The Giant Within'. This is supposed to be read one page a day. Little steps are GIANT STEPS if they make you change in a big way. Tony realizes that success is not an overnight thing. It requires daily consistant input and effort. We don't go to the gym once and say 'yay now I'm fit'. A great book to put beside your study so you can apply his methods and assignments step by step daily.