Today's biology has an enormous impact on medicine, particularly in diagnosing disease and understanding how drugs work. Many of the possibilities for therapies or technologies foreseen by today's scientists already exist in some form. The question is whether they can be extended to humans safely and in a controlled way. Change may come more rapidly than anyone anticipates, and there may be intense pressure to sell technologies before they have been adequately tested.
Future Music brings you the most in-depth news and reviews from respected industry professionals. We'll also give you all the advice you need to get the most from your current set-up, and interviews with musicians at the cutting-edge of technology.
Sellout "Brand" or just plain "Bland"? In Lovemarks, advertising giant Saatchi & Saatchi CEO Kevin Roberts delves deep into what mysteries lie behind the long-term success and unwavering customer loyalty for a can of Coke or a pair of Levi's, ultimately concluding that Love is the answer, and without some emotional connection to a product, it will dry up like a generic raisin in the sun. Enter Lovemarks, the new marketing buzzword, which will likely be bandied about at board meetings as vigorously as The Tipping Point.
China impacts everyone—an economic superpower competing in every arena of human endeavor. Here are those who run China, its current and future leaders. Here’s how China’s leaders think about China’s growing global strength—in trade, business and finance; in diplomacy, defense and security; in science, technology and innovation; in culture, media and sports—and what this all means for the future of the world.