What Your Kindergartner Needs to Know (Core Knowledge Series)
Designed for use by parents and teachers, this groundbreaking first volume in the Core Knowledge Series provides kindergartners with the fundamentals they need to prepare them for a lifetime of learning. It sets out the elements a parent or educator should look for in a good kindergarten program and introduces activities that help a child take the first steps in learning to read and write.
Other crossword dictionaries are lists of words arranged by number of letters or anagrams. This unique dictionary is based on crossword clues, over 300,000 of them, cross-referenced to the possible answers. There are 200,000 entries under 18,000 headwords; as well as hints on word plays, anagrams, puns, and puzzles, and general advice on solving cryptic crosswords
The Evaluators’ Eye: Impact Assessment and Academic Peer Review
This book offers an empirical analysis of how academic peer review panels mediate the traditionally non-academic criterion of societal impact. The UK’s 2014 Research Excellence Framework (REF2014) for the first time included an “Impact” criterion that considered how research had influenced society, beyond academia.
The English Literatures of America redefines colonial American literatures, sweeping from Newfoundland and Nova Scotia to the West Indies and Guiana. The book begins with the first colonization of the Americas and stretches beyond the Revolution to the early national period. Many texts are collected here for the first time; others are recognized masterpieces of the canon--both British and American--that can now be read in their Atlantic context. By emphasizing the culture of empire and by representing a transatlantic dialogue, The English Literatures of America allows a new way to understand colonial literature both in the United States and abroad.
With a new component array and strong digital support, the new edition of Close up has been fully updated to be in line with the new First for Schools 2015 specifications.