"The Facts On File Student's Thesaurus, Third Edition" includes listings for more than 9,000 of the most commonly used words in the English language. Arranged in an easy-to-use A-to-Z format, this invaluable thesaurus includes words carefully selected for junior and senior high school students, making it far more accessible than references designed for adults. Each entry includes identifications of the part of speech, a carefully selected list of synonyms, a list of antonyms where applicable, and a sample sentence.
The Book of Lists: Horror: An All-New Collection Featuring Stephen King, Eli Roth, Ray Bradbury, and More, with an Introduction by Gahan Wilson
Added by: Maria | Karma: 3098.81 | Fiction literature | 27 November 2009
The phenomenally popular Book of Lists series has sold millions of copies from coast to coast, enthralling trivia aficionados with fascinating infobits about simply everything! Now the latest edition turns an evil eye toward the strange, the blood-curdling, and the macabre with spine-tingling fun facts from the dark side of entertainment.
Kahani is an award-winning children’s literary magazine illuminating the richness and diversity that South Asian cultures bring to North America. Completely ad-free, full of great stories, art, activities, and fun facts, Kahani is a must-have for any family, school, or library seeking to empower and educate global citizens.
Open your eyes to a world of discovery. Travel from Earth to the ends of the known universe. Space is a colorful first guide to astronomy packed with facts about space exploration, the solar system, planets, stars, galaxies, and much more. Dramatic, atmospheric photography provides a wealth of visual information. Packed with facts and written in an accessible style, Eye Wonders are the perfect educational start for young children.