The Art of Comprehension: Exploring Visual Texts to Foster Comprehension, Conversation, and Confidence
Added by: panarang | Karma: 451.45 | E-Books, Other | 30 December 2020
The Art of Comprehension: Exploring Visual Texts to Foster Comprehension, Conversation, and Confidence In The Art of Comprehension, Trevor A. Bryan introduces his signature method for enhancing students’ understanding and thinking about all texts—both written and visual. By using what he calls “access lenses” (such as faces, body language, sound/silence) you can prompt all your students to became active explorers and meaning-makers. Organically and spontaneously, your classroom will become more student-centered.
In the traditional folk tale "Sleeping Beauty," the spell cast upon the lovely young princess and everyone in her castle can only be broken by the kiss of a Prince. Anne Rice's retelling of the Beauty story probes the unspoken implications of this lush, suggestive tale by exploring its undeniable connection to sexual desire.
Now in its 4th edition, Exploring Writing emphasizes writing skills and process. By referring to a set of four skills for effective writing, Exploring Writing encourages new writers to see writing as a skill that can be learned and a process that must e explored. The four skills, or bases, for effective writing are as follows: Unity: Discover a clearly stated point or topic sentence, and make sure that all other information in the paragraph or essay supports that point. Support: Support the points with specific evidence, and plenty of it.
Exploring Forces and Motion (Graded Science Readers Level 2)
Content leveled readers teach science concepts, vocabulary, and reading skills – at each student’s reading level – and allow students to read and explore the wonders of nonfiction. Leveled science readers deliver science content to help address the individual needs of all students. They reinforce reading skills and strategies while promoting science understanding. Each grade 2 science reader is a richly illustrated, self-contained little book with ten to twelve double pages.
Reading & Vocabulary Development 3 - Causes & Effects 4th ed audio
Through wonderful readings and carefully designed activities, this best-selling series helps students develop reading skills and systematically increase their active vocabulary. Learners develop useful and relevant vocabulary while exploring and expanding critical thinking skills.