Recent Developments of Electrical DrivesThe contributions selected for the book cover a wide spectrum of theory and practice, thus they are deeply rooted in engineering problems, being simultaneously of high theoretical level. This way the contents of the book is believed to touch the heart of the matter in electrical drives (theory, control systems and applications). The book, stating the recent developments of electrical drives, can be useful for engineers and researchers investigating and designing electrical and electronic devices as well as for students and young researchers dealing with electrical and electronic engineering, computer sciences (advanced computer modelling, sophisticated control systems with artificial intelligence tools applied, optimal design bye use of classical and genetic algorithms employed), applied mathematics and all the topics where electromagnetic, thermal, mechanical phenomena occur.
Tags: electrical, Developments, engineers, control, drives, computer, engineering |
English for Architects and Civil Engineers (2008)
Added by: chesskom | Karma: 0 | Coursebooks » ESP | 24 June 2008 |
Englisch für Architekten
und Bauingenieure
English for Architects
and Civil Engineers
Ein kompletter Projektablauf auf Englisch mit Vokabeln, Redewendungen, Übungen und Praxistipps • All project phases in English with vocabulary, idiomatic expressions, exercises and practical advice.
Tags: English, Engineers, Englisch, Civil, vocabulary |