Mouse is in a jam -- soon he'll be weasel soup! Weasel is ready for his dinner. And poor mouse is it. Just in time, he thinks up a clever and entertaining way to distract weasel from serving up mouse soup for supper.
Added by: Kahena | Karma: 11526.37 | Fiction literature | 14 February 2012
In Robin Cook’s new novel, Intervention, we meet up once more with New York City medical examiner, Jack Stapleton. Jack and his wife, Laurie recently had a baby boy. Their baby, JJ, has been diagnosed with a form of childhood cancer, neuroblastoma. Jack throws himself into his work to distract himself from the problems with JJ, and while researching alternative medicine discovers its dangers.
Sewing for Plus Sizes: Creating Clothes that Fit and Flatter
The goal of all plus-size design is to emphasize your positive attributes and modify or distract from those you feel are less desirable." Deckert is herself a plus-sized woman and a custom clothier with more than 30 years of sewing experience. Given that most clothing manufacturers have never learned to design attractive, well-fitting clothes for women who wear a size 14 or larger, the woman who wants to achieve style beyond size must sew her own clothes.The goal of all plus-size design is to emphasize your positive attributes and modify or distract from those you feel are less desirable." Deckert is herself a plus-sized.