The nursery rhyme begins, "In fourteen hundred and ninety two, Columbus sailed the ocean blue." Less well-known is the line that follows: "…to learn if the old maps were true." How can there be "old maps" of a land no one knew existed? Were others here before Columbus? What were their reasons for coming and what unexplained artifacts did they leave behind?
In Discovering the Mysteries of Ancient America, the author of The Atlantis Encyclopedia turns his sextant towards this hemisphere.
Get the Statistics Book That's Sweeping the Nation! Appropriate for All Levels--Undergraduate to Doctorate Programs in Every Discipline! This new edition of Field's bestselling textbook provides students of statistical methods with everything they need to understand, use and report statistics - at every level
Cell Scientists: Discovering How Cells Work (Science Readers: Life Science)Connect content-area literacy and science with differentiated readers featuring lab activities and profiles of related scientitists.
British scientist Robert Hooke built an early microscope and was the first scientist to observe cells and give them their name.
Discovering Islam - Making Sense Of Muslim History And Society
Added by: wjwj1 | Karma: 227.98 | Fiction literature | 24 September 2007
Ahmed, Akbar - Discovering Islam - Making Sense Of Muslim History And Society Discovering Islam is a classic account of how the history of Islam and its relations with the west have shaped Islamic society today.
Discovering Language: The Structure of Modern English This book introduces the levels model of language, which enables students to learn about the smallest linguistic items (sounds) and work through the subsequent levels (morphology and syntax) until the sentence is reached. Many introductory books address the structural issues considered here, but they also usually include contextual and theoretical discussions that are dealt with in the other volumes in this series. As a result there is enough room to include a chapter on the basic lexical semantics without which the rest of the levels of language would not work.