Cronin A.J.
When Andrew Manson starts work as a doctor he discovers some unpleasant facts about the medical profession. He struggles against a system that seems to value money more than curing illness. But the system is extremely powerful. Will he win his battle?
Level: Upper Intermediate Language: British English |
Tags: system, curing, money, seems, illness, Level, extremely |
Although Inlander, president of the People's Health Society, an advocacy group, and health writer Moran go beyond the traditional advice to "drink chicken soup like your mom told you," don't expect to find in this book many suggestions that common sense and your own doctor haven't already told you. While no cure yet exists for such annoying and potentially dangerous afflictions as colds or flu, this book tends to focus on the obvious: keep away from people who are already ill; wash your hands frequently; use paper towels.
Tags: flu, colds, illness, afflictions, treatment, medical advice, medicines, curing, Peoples, Society, already, dangerous, Peoples |