This Companion brings together specially commissioned essays by distinguished international scholars that reflect both the diversity of Victorian poetry and the variety of critical approaches that illuminate it.
Approaches Victorian poetry by way of genre, production and cultural context, rather than through individual poets or poems
Demonstrates how a particular poet or poem emerges from a number of overlapping cultural contexts.
Explores the relationships between work by different poets
Recalls attention to a considerable body of poetry that has fallen into neglect
Essays are informed by recent developments in textual and cultural theory
With new entries and sensitive edits, this fifth edition places J.A. Cuddon’s indispensable dictionary firmly in the 21st Century.
Written in a clear and highly readable style
Comprehensive historical coverage extending from ancient times to the present day
Broad intellectual and cultural range
Expands on the previous edition to incorporate the most recent literary terminology
New material is particularly focused in areas such as gender studies and queer theory, post-colonial theory, post-structuralism, post-modernism, narrative theory, and cultural studies.
Existing entries have been edited to ensure that topics receive balanced treatment
A Companion to the Anthropology of Education presents a comprehensive and state-of-the-art overview of the field, exploring the social and cultural dimension of educational processes in both formal and nonformal settings.
Explores theoretical and applied approaches to cultural practice in a diverse range of educational settings around the world, in both formal and non-formal contexts
Includes contributions by leading educational anthropologists
Integrates work from and on many different national systems of scholarship, including China, the United States, Africa, the Middle East, Colombia, Mexico, India, the United Kingdom, and Denmark
Based on folktales, animal fables, holiday celebrations, and historical figures and events, these 14 scripts illuminate Hispanic cultural heritage and wisdom. Short and simple to produce.
Cultural Geography in Practice provides an innovative and accessible approach to the sources, theories and methods of cultural geography. Written by an international team of prominent cultural geographers, all of whom are experienced researchers, this book is a fully illustrated guide to methodological approaches in cultural geography. With the addition of boxed definitions of key concepts and descriptions of research projects by students who devised and undertook them, Cultural Geography in Practice is an essential manual of research practice for both undergraduate and graduate geography students.